In Iskraemeco, we encourage employees and provide them with diverse training options, international exchange programs and opportunities to participate in multiple projects within the company, with external organizations and various partners. Our aim is to help employees maintain their high-level professional competence and strengthen the company’s readiness for change.

Employees are expected to keep up with the changes and novelties that affect their area of work. In this way, we are broadening our knowledge horizons and strengthening our personal competencies.

  • Professional training and certification programs
  • Foreign languages
  • Understanding cross-cultural differences
  • Developing leadership competencies
  • Talent management

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At Iskraemeco we innovate, we design and we evolve. Our highly-motivated and proactive employees are the main reason for the success and development of our company.

Teamwork, experience, and partnership are the pillars that enable us to achieve shared goals and build a successful company—together, we can accomplish anything.

Iskraemeco’s experts bring their passion and talents and transform them into quality products, solutions and services – all with the goal of contributing to the greener tomorrow.
