Iskraemeco is powered by top-notch professionals with a ‘can-do’ attitude, integrity, and learning spirit. We build our unique competitive advantage with innovation, flexibility, agility, ownership, and empowerment.

Forming long-term relationships with every stakeholder, customer, partner, associate, or supplier helps us achieve sustainable growth.

Efficient collaboration drives our daily productivity and makes it easier to put ideas into action. Teamwork, expertise, and partnership remain the stepping stones that help us realize our goals and strengthen our leading position in the industry.

Executive team

Bahaa Abdullah

Chief Financial Officer
Executive board member of Iskraemeco Group

Regional management team

Tarek Wahby

Managing director Egypt, Africa and Asia

Mahmoud Mouaz

Managing director Middle East & Central Asia

Jorge Castelli

Managing director Argentina

Madan Mohan Chakraborty

Managing director India

Ihab Mokhles

Managing director Africa, Saudi Arabia and Southeast Asia

Maged Ayoub

Commercial and operations director Egypt, Libya and Iraq
