Elumia complements existing IoT solutions, which typically connect only a small portion of a city’s luminaires—currently, only about 5% of lights are smart. While IoT solutions offer advanced features like real-time individual lamp control, they come with high costs and complex technical components, making it difficult to justify ROI.
Elumia is the ideal solution for covering the remaining 95% of lights. It provides comprehensive operational status monitoring at a significantly lower cost and can easily be upgraded when customers are ready for full IoT integration.
CLSM algorithm
Elumia’s patented CLSM algorithm sequentially activates luminaires and monitors their power consumption.
If a luminaire is functioning properly, its power usage increases upon activation.
If a luminaire is functioning properly, its power usage increases upon activation.
If it is faulty, its power remains unchanged. By analyzing power profiles over time, Elumia can accurately and cost-effectively detect malfunctions.