Inspiring approaches to experiential education for a sustainable future
The Green Penguin project and its partners held a thematic conference in Ljubljana, showcasing innovative approaches to experiential education for sustainability.
The focus was on the Green Penguin platform, which uses interactive games and quizzes to motivate students to shrink their carbon footprint.
The conference emphasized the urgency of sustainable practices to address global challenges. It highlighted the importance of everyone taking action, learning about sustainability, and collaborating. The event showcased how we at Iskraemeco and our project partners are contributing to a greener future with the Green Penguin. The Green Penguin platform offers a wide range of interactive learning materials that engage students in fun and educational activities related to climate change, energy conservation, and sustainable lifestyles.
Representatives from Hinko Smrekar and Jožeta Moškaršiča primary schools shared their experiences with the Green Penguin platform. Students love the interactive approach and actively participate in various activities. These include quizzes, creating board games from recycled materials, and clothing swaps. Teachers complimented the platform for its ability to integrate digital technologies into teaching and encourage active citizenship. The Green Penguin platform also inspires student-led initiatives. “Penguin Detective” motivates and guides peers on reducing their carbon footprint. “Green Guard” connects students, teachers, and the community to maintain a clean school environment. Additionally, activity and technical days promote knowledge sharing and encourage sustainable practices.
Although the students from Kristiansand School attended the conference virtually, they made a strong impression. Despite concerns about the future, they acknowledged the importance of individual action and actively participated in environmental activities. They emphasized the importance of global collaboration among young people for a better future. Further on, the conference highlighted the importance of digital competencies. Representatives from Savsko naselje primary school presented a practical example of teaching students about safe digital tool use.
As a part of the conference, a representative from the City of Ljubljana presented the city’s path to carbon neutrality. She stressed the importance of cooperation at the city, state, and individual levels, along with raising awareness and adopting sustainable practices. She also emphasized the importance of digital and green competencies for young people’s future success.
The conference confirmed the Green Penguin platform as a valuable tool for experiential learning about sustainability. Participants were impressed by the innovative approaches and expressed their belief that the platform can significantly contribute to educating young people for a better future.