Solar panels at Iskraemeco
Powering Iskraemeco with renewable energy
Solar panels are becoming an increasingly popular choice for all businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint, their dependence on mainstream energy sources, and save on energy costs. At Iskraemeco, we strive to keep up with the trends and technologies in the field of sustainable development. That is why we decided to invest in the installation of solar panels on production facilities in Kranj.
For the Iskraemeco 2 and Iskraemeco 3 solar power plants project, we have been awarded a grant of 133,306.87 € on the basis of the Public Call for Proposals for the co-financing of operations for the construction of new small-scale electricity generation plants using solar energy (JR SE RES 2021), which is managed by the Ministry of Infrastructure.
The project aims to:
1. Increase electricity production by harnessing solar energy.
2. Provide partial self-supply of electricity in a business and production facility.
3. Reduce CO2 greenhouse gas emissions.
Solar power plants Iskraemeco 2 (300 kWp) and Iskraemeco 3 (576 kWp) are expected to generate a total of 919,800 kWh/year of electricity. The production of electricity from solar energy will contribute to a reduction of CO2 emissions of around 450 t/year.
Iskraemeco 2 and Iskraemeco 3 are co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the Cohesion Fund. The JR SE OVE 2021 is implemented under the Operational Programme for the implementation of the European Cohesion Policy 2014-2020, priority axis “Sustainable use and production of energy and smart grids”, priority investment “Promoting the production and distribution of energy from renewable sources” and specific objective “Increasing the share of renewable energy sources in final energy consumption.”
For more information on the European Structural and Investment Funds, see www.eu-skladi.si.
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Producing electricity brings a number of benefits, such as cost savings, because the solar panels have no fuel costs and require little maintenance. This will help the company to better manage and address the current energy challenges. By producing its own energy, Iskraemeco will become self-sufficient, reducing its dependence on the traditional electricity grid by 21 percent and making it more resilient to power outages. In the future, we expect to be able to sell off the peaks of energy generated during summer days at market price.
In addition to the financial benefits, installing solar panels also represents a positive impact on the environment, as solar energy is a clean and renewable energy source that produces no emissions or pollution. By reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, we are making an important contribution to the fight against climate change and improving air quality, as our carbon footprint will be reduced by as much as 450.7 tons.
In total, there are 1,904 cells (5,500m2) on Iskraemeco’s facilities, which will generate 920MWh per year. If this summer is as sunny as the one in 2022, we expect production of 1GWh (1,000MWh).
The installation of solar panels will also provide a “live” test centre for our smart solutions, which include smart meters and electric vehicle charging stations. Together with integration its software suite Symbiot, we will be able to integrate our solutions with the solar power plant to optimize the performance of the meters and solar panels, which in the past has been a challenge in cases of unexpected switching off and on of solar power plants. Solar panel installation is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate best practice and performance in conjunction with our products.
The decision to install solar panels on the production facilities is therefore a smart move that will long-term benefit both the company and the community. By installing solar panels, the company will be better able to address the current energy challenges, reduce its environmental impact, make a significant contribution to its sustainability strategy and increase its resilience in the event of power outages. The community will also benefit from cleaner air, a reduced carbon footprint and access to a reliable energy source. As part of Iskraemeco’s sustainability initiative, we encourage other companies and individuals to invest in activities and solutions for a greener and carbon neutral future.