Energy solutions

Iskraemeco Group
Savska loka 4,
4000 Kranj, Slovenia
Telephone: +(386) 4 206 4000
There is a significant demand for energy management in the Middle East and Asia. This is necessitated given the region’s rapid economic and population growth, which has led to a rise in energy demand.
As the economy booms and technological integration increases, smart meters become instrumental in coping with the growing electricity demand per capita. Iskraemeco is leveraging endless opportunities in such emerging markets in order to provide the right products and solutions to meet the pressing need for regulating the rising energy consumption. Smart meters in particular are becoming increasingly popular in the region as they contribute to better and more efficient utilization of gas, water, and electricity resources.
With two successful events in the United Arab Emirates and Oman, Iskraemeco is strengthening its position and growing its global influence in Middle East. The company’s experts from around the world joined forces and shared their years of experience and expertise with our partners and customers in Dubai, showcasing our latest solutions in the energy industry. The presented solutions included our new Symbiot software suite, the latest enhancements to the AM550 residential and commercial smart meters, success stories from across Europe, live demos, and Iskraemeco’s strategic approach to the smart water segment.
By exposing our most up-to-date communication infrastructure and services, we were able to spark an interesting discussion among the audience who were looking for answers on certain perplexing notions. After an interesting and lengthy exchange of information, the captivating last session led to an interesting conclusion and a promise of future partnership.
Omani utilities have awarded the contract to Iskraemeco Middle East
One of the event’s highlights was the closing of one of the largest smart metering deals in the region. The signing ceremony of the deal, which also included the first wave of smart meter rollout in Oman, was carried out in the presence of Iskraemeco, Omani utilities and our service partner. The AM550 series at the heart of the deal features outstanding meters with modular technology designed for different types of
communication technologies such as LTE and NB-IoT. Iskraemeco’s commitment and dedication is to improve the overall experience of Omani consumers and fulfil the Sultanate’s vision for the transition to a smart grid.
Connecting with people
The reliable Middle East team is eager to assist our customers in overcoming any challenges that may emerge during their transformation journey. With the help of our loyal partners and customers, Iskraemeco’s global expansion and success will continue. We think that ‘technology is at its finest when it connects people together,’ and that is precisely what we intend to accomplish by delivering world-class connectivity and solutions.
Mahmoud Mouaz, Managing Director Iskraemeco Middle East and Central Asia states: “Iskraemeco has always been a leader in the smart metering industry. Our goal is to be the preferred partner for smart metering solutions in the Middle East and Asia. We are responsible for providing a future-proof product to our customers and partners in the Middle East. Two tough years have passed since the start of the pandemic, and the turbulent situation has affected everyone on a professional or personal level. With the Iskraemeco Middle East team working closely with all utilities, we are able to offer the highest level of technology, support and delivery of a comprehensive smart metering solution.”
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