Innova con nosotros

¿Tienes alguna idea innovadora, sugerencia o comentario para nosotros? Nos encantaría escucharlo.

Si deseas realizar alguna sugerencia,
buscar posibles mejoras o asociarte con nosotros –
envíanos un mensaje.

Share your ideas and proposals

Send us a message with short description of your idea, feedback or proposal and our team members will make sure to contact you and follow up.

El campo no debe estar vacío.
El campo no debe estar vacío.
El campo no debe estar vacío.


Searching for the brightest ideas in our sector

Data2050 is a corporate incubator and accelerator, but offers you so much more than that. We want to work with you and help incubate, develop, accelerate or directly invest in your company or idea.

Do you have a company working on Point-to-point communication solutions, smart-grid solutions, IoT applications, smart home applications, e-mobility knowledge, security solutions? Perhaps you’ve been active in this field and are looking to join a company that is active in one of these segments?
